Giving Week 2024 has ended, but you can still make a difference. Click here to make a gift!
Campus Facilities Day

Residence halls, classrooms and faculty offices, the library, and open spaces are all part of the vibrant campus at Rocky Mountain College. The beautification along Poly Drive shows a vision coming to fruition through planning and funding.

Ongoing maintenance is critical in enhancing the overall experience of the physical features of RMC. The residence halls are looking to update and modernize as the last renovations were done in 1998-99. Throughout campus there are projects requiring funding to improve aesthetics, functionality and safety. 

The Campus Greatest Need fund allows Rocky Mountain College the ability to pivot and address immediate needs of students, faculty and staff as they arise. The fund is not restricted to one specific program or facility and is utilized for the most pressing requirements of the institution. Generous donor support provides funding for the critical, ever-changing needs of RMC.

Campus Facilities Day
Mar 12, 2024

Day 2 of Giving Week 2024 features the campus of Rocky Mountain College, which becomes the home away from home for students while attending college. Great pride is taken in keeping the overall facilities well-maintained, and there is always a list of items that need to be tended to. Some of the current projects include updates to the furnishings in the residence halls, the roof of the aviation hangar, and the library flooring. 

A donation to the Campus Greatest Needs fund allows Rocky Mountain College the ability to pivot and address immediate needs of students, faculty and staff as they arise. The fund is not restricted to one specific program or facility and is utilized for the most pressing requirements of the institution. Generous donor support provides funding for the critical, ever-changing needs of RMC.

Your generous donations make all the difference during Giving Week and throughout the year. Thank you for supporting the overall student experience through enhancement of Campus Facilities at Rocky Mountain College. 

Image for Update: Campus Facilities Day Image for Update: Campus Facilities Day Image for Update: Campus Facilities Day
Alumni Decade Challenge By Dollars
Thank you to all of the RMC alumni who donated to support the student scholarship fund. We appreciate you!
Decade of Graduation for Alumni Challenge.
Rank Answer Amount
1 1960s $3,400.00
2 1970s $1,850.00
3 1950s $1,035.00
4 1990s $350.00
5 2000s $100.00
6 1980s $100.00
7 2010s $50.00
Alumni Decade Challenge By Gifts
Thank you to all of the RMC alumni who donated to support the student scholarship fund. We appreciate you!
Decade of Graduation for Alumni Challenge.
Rank Answer Gifts
1 1970s 5
2 1960s 4
3 1950s 4
4 1990s 2
5 2010s 1
6 2000s 1
7 1980s 1
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